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Keeping The Roof Maintained

roof maintenance

The roof of the home is more than just a cover for a building. It protects the contents of the house and keeps the family safe. If the roof is not maintained, then it could lead to shingles that crack and break off and other damages that might cause holes to occur. There are a…

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What You Need to Know About Adding a Skylight

Skylights | all climate roofing

Adding a skylight is a great way to get some extra natural light into your home. Natural light can help to make a room feel more welcoming, and it can even make people more productive. If you are interested in adding a skylight to your roof, you should be sure to talk with a professional…

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8 Ways to Help Extend the Life of Your Roof

roof inspection

Getting a new roof is an expensive project, so it is no surprise that people want to extend the life of their roof. Here are a few things that you can do to make sure that your roof lasts as long as possible:

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5 Tips for Picking the Right Roofing Material

roofing material

Getting a new roof is really expensive, but you want to make sure that you get it done right. The material that you pick is one of the biggest factors in the lifespan of the roof. You should work with roofing experts to pick a material that is right for your home. You can also…

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The Cause and Repair for Roof Leaks

Often times in order to fix a problem, you have to know what caused it. That will allow you to stop the same issue from cropping up again. The technique for fixing a leak will vary depending on the cause of the leak.

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Essential Benefits of Gutter Guards

gutter guards

Face it, you more than likely do not take the absolute best care of your gutters, and you are not alone. Most homeowners do not like cleaning out their gutters, but doing so can put their roof and the rest of their property in danger. Gutter guards are designed to make it so that you…

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Types of Roofing Best Suited for Warmer Climates

types of roofing

Besides looking at the overall cost, advantages and disadvantages of different roofing materials, you should also consider your local climate. Even the very best roofing materials can be rendered worthless in certain weather conditions. If you live in a warmer climate, there are some roofing materials you will be happier with in the long run.

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Wood Damage Is Nothing to Brush Off

wood damage

If you live in a climate with frequently humid and wet weather and you have not hired a professional to do a cursory inspection of your home in a long time, it is time for that to change. After years and years of exposure to the elements, the wood that forms the basic foundation of…

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How Often Does Your Roof Need to Be Inspected?

roof inspection

You know that taking proper care of your roof is essential to properly protecting your home, but how often should you have your roof inspected by a professional? If you have been putting off a roof inspection because of a lack of funds or knowledge, educate yourself and find out about pricing options before an…

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Mistakes to Avoid With Solar Installation

solar panels

Installing solar panels on your property is a great way to save money while saving the planet, but you will want to know exactly what you are getting yourself into before you commit your time and money to solar installation. While you are learning about how much you can save with solar panels, learn a…

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