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The Benefits of Solar Installation

You are probably hearing a lot about solar power in the news, in advertisements, and even around the proverbial water cooler. Considering that the concept of solar power has been around for nearly 200 years, and that solar energy has been used in the US for the last sixty, you might be asking yourself what all the hubbub is about. Below are some of the best reasons to consider solar today.

Reduce Monthly Energy Bills

With energy costs rising all the time, consumers are feeling the crunch. Trying to cut down on your energy use is one thing, but when essentials like your refrigerator or water heater are responsible for most of your energy consumption, it can be hard to reduce. Solar panels on your home can drastically decrease the amount you fork over to the electric company every month.

Save Money on Installation

As few as ten years ago, the installation costs of solar panels were prohibitive for most homeowners. But new rebate programs and incentives for consumers who install solar are at an all-time high. The benefits vary depending on your area, but many solar companies have programs designed to help you offset installation expenses.

Improved Quality and Lifespan

A common concern when investing in any major purchase is the expected lifespan. Today’s solar panels have a lifespan of at least 20 years, and almost all of them come with a manufacturer’s warranty and other performance guarantees.

Expanded Usage Potential

Solar companies will examine your energy usage and recommend solar capacity based on it. A common mistake many homeowners make is increasing their energy usage after their solar panels are installed, then being disappointed that their electric bill did not change. If you are installing solar panels so that you can run your A/C unit day and night, or so you can install a new hot tub, make sure to take that usage into account.

Installing solar panels is a terrific way to reduce your dependence on the grid and lower your electric bill. Consult with a qualified installer to find out all the ways solar can benefit you.


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