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6 Tile Roof Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Roof Healthy

Keeping your roof in good condition is vital as a homeowner. These tile roof maintenance tips will keep your roof healthy and extend its lifespan.

Tile Roofing Maintenance and Services - All Climate Roofing

A good roof should last for at least 50 years, if not longer. However, that lifespan shortens if you’re not keeping an eye on it.

Here’s some of the top tips from roofers that will help you keep your tile roof in good condition this spring.


A Word On Safety

Before you get started on your roof, you need to ensure that you’re safe when you’re working on your roof.

Ladders and sloped roofs do pose a threat to your well being, if you’re not careful.

Always have someone with you to spot you when you’re checking on your roof, and if you’re not sure, don’t undertake the work yourself.

Roofing companies are always happy to check out your roof for you, and undertake any repair jobs that need to be done while they’re up there.


Tile Roof Maintenance and Inspection - All Climate Roofing


Checking On Your Roof

Now that spring is here, you’ll need to check your roof for any issues that cropped up over the colder months.

This is especially important if you had storms or bad weather during that time, as wind and rain will take their toll on the roof.

Get up on a ladder and take a look at your roof, looking for the following:

1. Mold or algae:

Tile roofs are targets for algae to develop, as they’re an untouched spot where the growth can take hold.

In many cases the growth won’t cause any problems, but it’s usually best to clean it off at least once a year. The best way to do this is to use a low pressure pressure washer to clean it off.

Be careful not to direct the spray directly at the tiles, as this can cause cracking.

You can also remove it with a solution of warm water and dish washing liquid, as long as you take care to rinse it off properly.

2. Missing tiles:

If there have been storms through your neighborhood, it’s likely that you’ll have a missing tile or two. On their own its not much of a problem, but you’ll want to replace them quickly.

Should you have more rainfall in the spring, you’ll soon find water leaking into your roof.

Left unchecked, this will lead to damp and mold in your roof, creating more serious problems.

One of the best tile roof maintenance tips is to order an extra box of tiles when you have your roof replaced. Then, you’ll have a matching tile ready to go when you need to replace one.

3. Cracked or bruised tiles:

The bad weather over the summer will also lead to tile damage. The most common issues you’ll see are cracked tiles, or tiles that have been ‘bruised’.

A bruised tile has taken impact damage, usually from hailstones, and so is no longer watertight.

As with missing tiles, you’ll want to replace them as soon as possible, to avoid water damage in your roof.

4. Debris on the roof:

When storms come through, they’re very likely to leave debris on the roof. This is often things like leaves, which have been swept onto the roof and left there.

Once you see it, you’ll want to remove it as quickly as possible.

This is because water can collect under it, creating mold, mildew, and of course water damage.

It compromises the security of the roof tiles beneath it, so ensure that you’re clearing the debris off as soon as you see it.

5. Debris in your gutters:

Related to the last point, our list of tile roof maintenance includes checking your gutters too, for any debris that’s found its way into them.

When these are left unchecked, water will roll into the gutter and then overflow, as it can’t get away from the roof.

That overflowing water will get under the tiles, creating more damage.

Pull out any debris you find, and consider using a gutter guard to stop it happening again.

6. Get into the attic:

It’s not just the outside of the roof that will tell you if there are any problems with the roof.

Take the time to get into your attic and take a look at the roof from the inside. You’re looking for any gaps where light is shining through.

This will show you where there are gaps in the roof, where water could get through.

While you’re up there, take a look for any mold on the timbers of your roof, as this will need to be taken care of right away.


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Tile Roof Maintenance Extends the Lifespan

Inspecting your roof regularly is crucial to maintaining your roof in good condition. When left unchecked, even small issues will become larger issues over time.

You’ll need to get up and take a look for anything that’s wrong or out of place. Once you’ve found it, get it fixed as soon as possible.

Some smaller jobs, such as replacing a tile, can be done yourself if you have some know how.

If you don’t, though, ensure that you call in a repair crew to handle it for you.

Remember, when you’re inspecting your roof, make sure that you walk on it as little as possible. Tiles are fragile, and you don’t want to cause more damage when you’re trying to inspect it.


What If There Is a Lot of Damage?

Tile roof maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your roof.

However, in some cases, you’ll find that there’s a lot of damage to the roof. You’ll need to decide whether it’s worth replacing the roof entirely.

This decision will rely on the current age of your roof and the extent of repairs needed.

f the roof is getting on in years, you may want to replace it. If it’s still fairly new, then you’ll want to repair it. Either way, a repair expert can let you know exactly what should be done.

With these tips, you’ll be able to take good care of your tile roof, and get it ready for the spring weather.

With just a little tile roof maintenance,you can nip any problems in the bud, and know that your roof is in the best condition possible.