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How to Tell if You Need a New Roof

Most roofs are designed to last either 20 or 25 years, and if you have been in your home for a long time or you built it yourself, that can make estimating your ideal re-roofing time very easy. It still does not guarantee a precise schedule, though. Environmental wear and damage from storms can both affect the lifespan of your roof, making it important for you to know how to spot signs that you might need to re-roof early. Knowing these signs can also help if you are unsure when the roof was last seen to.

Tell-Tale Signs of Damage

Some of the most visible signs of roof damage are:

  • Curling and buckling shingles
  • Missing or damaged shingles in roof valleys
  • Shingle granules in the gutters
  • Light leaks in the roof boards (visible from inside)

Inspecting for all of these issues can involve some climbing, since roof valleys tend to be less visible from the ground than some of the other signs of damage. It is worthwhile to check annually, though, to ensure that everything is in good shape. Your roof channels water runoff and provides your first line of defense against ice and snow buildup in the winter, so it is essential that it remains water-tight under all environmental conditions.

Call in a Specialist

If you do need to re-roof this season, call in a specialist to see what options are available to you, especially if you find leaks. Professional roofing specialists can often effect repairs that are more directed and more efficient than homeowners know how to do, which can make the project faster and even save you money.

There are also new solutions for residential roofing that are constantly coming onto the market. From sound-dampening stainless steel roofing to solar add-ons and other sturdy, ecologically sustainable options, they can help you to understand the best options for your roof’s needs. Even if you stick with conventional tar shingles this time around, experienced professionals can get the job done more quickly and with less impact on your daily routine.


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