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Popular Material Choices for Your Home's Roof

Your roof plays a huge role in your home’s comfort and integrity. You ideally want a material that will last for years and give you a solid return on your investment. You also want a material that looks stylish and adds to the look of your home’s exterior. You can satisfy both expectations by considering some of the more popular residential roofing materials available to you today.

Clay Shingling

When you are on a modest budget but still want a roofing material that is sturdy and visually appealing, you may find your answer when you consider clay shingles. Clay shingling is designed to last for years and withstand some of the biggest challenges that your rooftop may face from the weather. It performs well in wind storms, hail, heavy rains, ice, and snow.

It also resists warping from humidity and cracking from high heat. It is fire-resistant and typically the most economic choice of residential roofing material. It additionally meets the safety expectations outlined by most homeowners’ insurance companies.

Clay shingles usually come in neutral colors like dark gray or black. They add a uniform look to your home and do not detract from more decorative elements of your home like its siding or exterior paint.


Concrete has gained popularity among homeowners in the last few years because of its durability and uniform look. Another affordable roofing material, concrete comes in a slate gray color and stands up well in all sorts of weather including dry heat or high humidity and rain.

It is also fire-resistant, which allows it to be preferred by many insurance companies. A concrete rooftop can last for decades without needing to be repaired or replaced, giving you a solid return on your initial investment.


Many people are amazed that wood ranks high for its reliability and durability. While visually appealing, it historically has been plagued by problems that range from succumbing to termite damage to burning in home fires.

Today’s wood residential roofing, however, is designed to withstand the most challenging of circumstances and last longer than the wood roofs of yesteryear. Wood shingles today are treated with pest-resistant finishing and also designed to resist fire. They stand up well against hail, wind, heavy rains, heat, and humidity, making wood shingles an ideal choice when you want both beauty and reliability combined into a single material.

Professional Roofing Help

These choices are but a few available to you today when it comes to roofing your home. You can get all of the details you need and find out more about roofing services by pairing with a professional roofing company.

The company has roofers who are trained to carry out the roofing project quickly and efficiently. Their work is also guaranteed for your protection. Many roofing companies today also have after-hour emergency services in case of fires or storm damages.

Your home’s integrity relies a great deal on what kind of material with which you roof your home. You may be interested in both performance and visual appeal. By considering today’s most popular roofing materials, you satisfy both of your priorities when it comes to protecting your home and maintaining its integrity. Professional roofing contractors help ensure that your roofing project is carried out effectively and successfully.


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