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Newbury Park Roof Repair Question

Essential Questions to Ask a Roof Repair Contractor

Finding the right contractor to perform your Newbury Park roof repair job is not that complicated. All you have to do is ask the right questions. Here are a few of the questions you should be asking the professional working on your project.

Are You Licensed?

First, make sure that the contractor you are working with holds the appropriate licenses. This shows that the company is in good standing with the city and state. A company that is not willing to present their license documents to you upon request may be cause for concern.

Are You Insured?

Second, if you do not ask whether the Newbury Park roof repair contractor you are hiring for the work is licensed or not, and it turns out that something happens; you may find yourself in a heap of trouble. A company’s insurance is not just a protection for them and their employees but also a protection for you. If someone is injured while working on your property, you want to make sure that they have insurance.

Will You Get the Necessary Permits?

Third, be very wary of any roofing contractor who either refuses to get permits or asks you to get the permits. If a permit is required for your job, then the contractor should be willing to get the required paperwork for it. There might be something fishy going on if a permit is required but the contractor tries to do the work under the table, so to speak.

Do You Have References?

It is not enough these days just to know that the company has references. You should plan to talk to and if possible, visit the property of several of the contractor’s references. The benefit of seeing the project “up close and personal” is that you can see for yourself whether the job was done to your standards and hire (or not) from there. You need to take your time with finding a Newbury Park roof repair contractor and all of these questions are very important to ask before deciding on one.


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