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What You Need to Know About Adding a Skylight

Adding a skylight is a great way to get some extra natural light into your home. Natural light can help to make a room feel more welcoming, and it can even make people more productive. If you are interested in adding a skylight to your roof, you should be sure to talk with a professional because:

  • Leaks: If installed incorrectly, a skylight can be a source of leaks. You have to make sure to hire professionals that know how to properly install skylights and put flashing around them. Even when installed correctly, your skylight may require repairs in future years.
  • Solar Tube: A skylight may not be the right option for your home. Another way to let light into your home is to add a solar tube. This is a reflective tube that runs from the ceiling to the roof where it ends in a dome. This may be a better option if you are working with a small space and low budget.
  • Mounting: There are generally two ways to mount a skylight. You can either do what is called a curb-mount or a deck-mount. A professional will know which of these mounting techniques is best for your roof, the skylight you are installing and your budget.
  • Glare: Like with other sources of natural light, a skylight can be a source of glare. Make sure to get a high quality window that will be able to keep out both glare and too many UV rays. When you are buying a skylight, you do not want to skimp on quality.


A skylight can help open up a room and bring in some much needed natural light. This is the sort of project that is best to trust to the professionals. They will be able to expertly install the skylight all well keeping in mind any important considerations. If you are interested in adding natural light to a room in your house, make sure to talk to a contractor today to learn more about your options.


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