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How to Inspect Your Roof For Damage

When well-maintained, your roof can last for several decades. Each year there are several actions you can take to keep your roof in good working condition. If you require more serious repair services, then contact a roofing maintenance company immediately.

Clear Your Roof of Debris

Fall is the most important time of the year to inspect your roof. As leaves fall from the trees, they settle onto your roof and into your gutters. Minor gutter obstruction does little to harm your home, but do not allow the debris to accumulate for too long. Keep your gutters clear of fallen leaves and other types of waste. During the winter months, it is also necessary to prevent ice from building up on your roof, as this leads to severe damage.

Inspect For Broken Shingles

With their thin and brittle design, shingles are prone to breaking. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect them for cracks and other types of damage. Simply walking around the perimeter of your home is enough to complete this particular task. This allows you to locate any fallen shingles and identify areas on your roof that are missing large sections of shingles.

Other Roof Problems

There are a variety of issues to consider when inspecting your roof. As you conduct your review, check for:

  • Animal damage
  • Signs of insect infestation
  • Overhanging or broken tree limbs
  • Damaged flashing
  • Large holes
  • Wind or water damage

In addition to personally examining the roof, you should have a professional conduct an inspection on an annual basis. He or she may detect issues that are imperceptible to the untrained eye. When it comes to your roof, there is no way to be too careful.

Though regular roof examinations are arduous to perform, they are highly necessary. Keep the roof over your family’s head in working condition, and thoroughly inspect it for damage at least once a year. The task may seem aggravating at the time, but it proves immensely valuable down the line.


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