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A Closer Look at Common Roofing Materials

How Long Does A Composite Roof Last? - All Climate Roofing

The roof on your home is a crucial part of the makeup of the structure. It provides shelter, stability, and protection from weather related elements. Keeping your roof in great shape and ensuring its longevity and reliability is all a matter of proper maintenance and timely repairs and replacement if necessary. When the time comes to get a new roof, being familiar with common roofing materials may help make your decision easier.

Selecting the material that is right for you is greatly dependent on factors such as personal preference, style of your home, environmental factors, and budget constraints. Here is a closer look at some of the materials you may choose between.

Composition Shingles

For many people, the versatility of composition shingles makes them a prevalent choice. This relatively cheaper material comes in a variety of colors, styles, and looks. Many people like the idea of being able to choose between a variety of looks to select something that is compatible with the existing structure, style, and character of their home. Additionally, composition shingles are pretty durable and can last a long time with regular maintenance.

Concrete and Clay Tile

For homeowners seeking a durable and fire resistant roofing material, concrete and clay tile may be the route to go. Tiles can last longer than many other materials with proper maintenance and also come in a variety of colors and styles to give consumers different options. Regardless of whether you reside in a climate where it is cold or hot, tiles are great for maintaining effective air circulation as air can move efficiently between the loosely laid tiles.

Bitumen Membrane

Bitumen roofing membrane, more commonly known as rubber roofing, is most effective when applied to flatter surfaces. Consumers can choose between a 2-ply or 3-ply option depending on their needs. Appropriate for more industrial structures, bitumen is surprisingly durable and long-lasting.


Choosing the right roofing material is important so you can be fully satisfied with the look, function, and durability of your roof. A professional can always provide you with suggestions as to which material is most suitable for your needs.


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