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The Best Roof Ventilation Methods For Winter (And Why It’s Important)

We all hear that roof ventilation is essential in summer, but it’s also important during the winter months as well; but what are the best roof ventilation methods for the winter months?

The Best Roof Ventilation Methods in California Winter | All Climate Roofing

At this time of year, ventilating your roof is the last thing on your mind.

Surely the warmer weather is the worst time for your roof, as temperatures rise?

In fact, the colder weather can bring about all kinds of issues you need to be aware of.

Here’s the best roof ventilation methods for this winter, and why.


Why Ventilate Your Roof?

So, why does your roof need ventilation during colder weather?

There are several problems that poor airflow can cause if your roof during the winter months.

When there’s no airflow, it’s easier for issues like mold and mildew to develop in your attic space, causing damage to the essential timbers.

It’s the same on the outside of your roof too.

Snow and ice can cause blockages, leading to water overflow and damage to the roof.

The best roof ventilation methods will help you avoid all of these issues.

The roof will stay at a regular temperature, not allowing these problems to develop.


The Signs A Roof Isn’t Properly Ventilated

There are several signs that your roof will need new ventilation installed this winter.

You’ll need to look out for the following:

1. Ice Dams:

An ice dam is a problem that occurs when warm air rises from the bottom of the house.

  • When the roof is ventilated, that air will simply be released from the house into the atmosphere.
  • When it isn’t though, it has nowhere to go. Instead, it will condense on the outside of the roof. It’ll turn to ice as the condensed water freezes in the guttering in the old temperatures.

When this happens, you’ll have an ice dam in your gutters, which will hold more water on your roof as warm air continues to get trapped in your roof.

The more this happens, the more damage that water can do.

For example, it can cause mold and mildew, swell the roof deck, stain your ceilings, and more.

2. Increased Energy Costs:

When utilizing one of the best ventilation methods for your roof, you’ll see that your energy costs are much lower.

That’s because when the roof isn’t insulated, you’re trying harder to keep your home at the right temperature.

  • When it’s cold out, your warm air is rising right up through the house and into the attic. You’re not getting the benefit of that warmth, and it’s causing damage to your roof as explained above.
  • When it’s warm outside, that warm air is trapped in your home, so your air conditioning has to work harder to cool your home down.

This all results in increased energy bills for you, so you’re paying more all year round.

3. More Mold And Mildew:

As noted earlier, the more warm air trapped in your attic, the more mold and mildew can develop. This warm air is a perfect breeding ground for mold, which causes a huge variety of problems.

The main issue is that it will damage the timbers that make up your roof.

If you don’t catch it in time, it’ll keep growing and cause a huge amount of damage.

If left too long, you could need to replace your entire roof.

As well as this, it can cause health problems for you, especially if people in the home already have allergies and other problems.


Getting Rid of Mold on Roof | All Climate Roofing


The Best Roof Ventilation Methods to Consider

Ok, so you know just what kind of damage can happen if you don’t ventilate your roof.

Now what do you do to ensure that this doesn’t happen?

You have two main options when it comes to finding the best roof ventilation methods, either roof turbines or ridge vents.

1. Roof Turbines:

As the name implies, a roof turbine will sit on top of your roof and use wind power to suck hot and humid air out of your attic. They have vanes that catch the wind, and pull the air out. They’re a simple device but work well to ventilate your roof.

2. Ridge Vents:

These devices run along the peak of your roof. They lay flat against the roof, and work as a screen. This allows warm air to escape but doesn’t allow anything into your roof.


What To Consider Before Installation

Which type of ventilation method you use will depend on you and your home, so it’s best to think carefully before you commit to one or the other.

Firstly, there’s cost.

Both are fairly inexpensive to install, but roof turbines are often cheaper.

This is because they only need a small section of the roof to be cut out, so it can be installed.

A ridge vent will need a larger footprint, so more work will need to be done.

If you’re considering a roof turbine, you’ll need to see if it would work in your area.

If you don’t get a lot of wind, then it may not be the most effective option. Instead, a ridge vent may give you better ventilation.


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Getting Your Ventilation Installed

Now that you’ve decided on which method to use, you’ll need to find a company to install your ventilation.

It’s better to call in the experts for this kind of work, as any gaps created in installation can make the problems worse for you.

An expert will be able to get your ventilation installed quickly, safely, and effectively.

Start looking around to find a company that will work well with you.

Try reading reviews or asking friends and family for roofing companies that they would recommend.

Once you find them, talk to them about what you need.

They’ll be able to make recommendations, so your roof will be properly ventilated.

Once it’s done, you can be sure that you won’t be having any problems with your roof this winter.



Now you know just why it’s so important to find the best roof ventilation methods for the cold season.

Ice dams, mold and increased energy bills can all develop if you don’t take care of the roof.

Call a roofing company now and get a quote for ventilation that will help remove that warm air from your roof space.