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Basic Gutter Repair and Maintenance

Gutters are the source of a number of common roofing problems. If not properly maintained, they can lead to more severe issues like damaged shingles and a leaking roof. Though repairing gutters is few homeowners’ idea of a good time, it is a necessary project for preserving the overall health of your roof.

Cleaning Gutters

Regular cleaning is more often than not the key to overall good gutter health. Depending on where you live and the kind of landscaping around your house, you may have to clean your gutters only once or several times a year. Be sure to get in one good cleaning towards the end of fall to remove dead leaves and other plant matter. You might want to do another cleaning towards the end of winter to free up the gutters to remove snow melt, and another cleaning before the rainiest part of the year.

Fixing Sagging Gutters

You can repair sagging gutters with a gutter hanger, a metal bar that serves as a support beam for the gutter. Use the edges of the rafters as a guide for placing hangers. Hook the hanger under the lip in front of the gutter, and place it over the back edge. Secure it to the edge of the roof with a long screw. Add hangers about every three feet where your gutters are prone to sagging.

Repairing Leaks

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the gutter around the leaking area to ensure that the sealant adheres properly to the metal. Apply a gutter sealant around the leaking area. It is best to do this when you are expecting clear weather since the sealant takes up to 24 hours to dry. Gutter sealant is a clear gel that comes in a rollable tube. It can be purchased at most hardware stores.

If you are not used to working with gutters, or you just do not like the hassle, contact a professional roofing service to take care of all your gutter needs.



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