The power of the sun is a remarkable thing. From helping to grow our food to warming our bodies on a cold winter’s day, it can provide for humans in many ways. Today, solar power has become a popular way to reduce energy bills and lessen the carbon footprint of a home or business. Alongside the solar panels that help heat water and create energy, many homeowners are incorporating solar attic fans. When a solar attic fan installation is complete, a home can be heated, cooled, and protected from environmental damage.
One of the greatest benefits a solar attic fan provides is the prevention of mold and mildew. Since attics can absorb a large amount of moisture in the air during the winter months, they can become breeding grounds for mold and mildew. These toxic growths can cause problems in the respiratory system, two of these being asthma and sinus infections. However, after a solar attic fan installation finished, the air is evenly circulated throughout the space. This will make an attic a drier environment that is much less susceptible to excess moisture and related damage.
During the warmer months of spring and summer, attics can retain heat and reach temperatures exceeding 160 degrees Fahrenheit! These high temperatures can make your entire house heat up as well, meaning your air conditioner will have to work extra hard to cool your home. However, a solar attic fan can cool your attic and lower the heat levels throughout your house. This can mean a lower electricity bill and a safe structure as well. When building materials such as metal are placed under high temps for long amounts of time, damage can occur that may require expensive repairs or even replacements. Therefore, a solar attic fan means a cooler and safe home during all seasons of the year.
A solar attic fan installation is a great benefit for anyone owning a home or business. With advantages felt throughout the year, the fans are a simple way to provide a safe environment alongside lower energy bills and a reduced carbon output.
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